A secured credit card requires a cash "security deposit", which is usually the same as the spending limit. We prefer a reputable secured card over a credit card designed for bad credit.
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When medical bills don’t get paid within 90 days, the hospital or physician sends the account to collections and your credit score could drop by 50 to 150 points.  Â
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Credit bureaus will ding your score when there are 5+ credit applications within 24 months. It's called the 5/24 Rule. We'll explain the difference between a soft and hard enquiry, and how to avoid a 5/24 penalty.
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Consider a personal loan in addition to credit card accounts. It will round out your mix of accounts, which could increase your credit score 50+ points.Â
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Sign-up for free credit tracking on non-loan payments like rent and cell phone bills. You could boost your credit score up to 50 points within days.
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