Phyllis Brown
Reclaim! Your Good Credit™

My mission is to help you take power away from banks,
and put it back in your own pocket.

I launched Reclaim! Your Good Credit™ because I felt beaten up by the banks after I lost my job. I was determined to help anyone else in the same situation, especially when I learned that one-in-three people today have a poor or fair credit score. 1378926

How can a poor credit score have such a negative impact

It’s amazing how one little computer-generated number can have such a negative impact on your life situation! And your self-esteem!

Poor credit can stop you from getting a personal loan. It can force you to put down an extra security deposit on a new apartment. It can push you to accept a car loan with a super high interest rate that costs you a lot of extra money. And it can cause you to pay an application fee, plus a large deposit, to get a secured credit card.

Education and experience did not help

With an MBA in finance I worked for top corporations in well-paid positions for more than 20 years, including a gig on Wall Street. My credit score was up over 800. Pretty impressive stuff! Right?

And then the recession hit. Overnight, the job market dried up and everything changed. I worked on temporary projects to make ends meet and went on about a hundred interviews (no kidding). Sometimes 6 and 7 interviews for the same job, but no big offer came through.

My savings dwindled down to nothing. I ran up more than $50K in credit card bills “investing” time and money on commission-only jobs that promised a “big payoff” down the road. (Which is a fancy way of saying I never got paid.) My perfect credit dropped down to the mid-500s. There was no one to turn to for a loan I might not ever be able to pay back, and I was terrified when I realized I could only cover my rent through the next month.

With all that impressive education and work experience the credit bureaus still classified me as a “bad risk.” I felt like a bad person.

Then I got mad

Then something snapped. All that fear and frustration boiled over and turned into anger, and anger turned into energy. I realized I could use my insider knowledge about the credit systems to raise my score again. And I was determined to help other people who were trying to reclaim their own good credit.

You have more control than you might think

You have more control over that number than you may realize. As soon as you understand the simple formula credit bureaus use to calculate your score, then it becomes easy to take the right steps to improve your score. It can go up by several points within the first 30 days. And you can move it from poor to fair, or all the way up to good or excellent, within 6 to 24 months.

Are you ready to reclaim your good credit?

You have the power to make it happen!

I’m very excited for us to take that first step together.


Phyllis Brown
MBA in Finance
Founder, Reclaim! Your Good Credit™
Increased credit score from 543 to 815

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